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21Publish - Cooperative Publishing

Blog Writing

Comments: 3    

We will be doing some Blog Writings in class. All Blog Writings at least 75 or 125 words and will usually have a time limit extended to them or due date.  Spell Check & Count words in MS Word. 

We will be using the following types of writings:

1.  Compare:  To look at traits or qualities to find out what is alike and what is different.  "Compare" is usually stated as "compare with": you are to highlight the similarities, but the differences may be mentioned as well.

2.  Predict: To use what is already known to make a statement about what will happen in the future.

3. Support:  To show evidence to back a conclusion or argument, citing people with similar points of view.

4.  Trace: To describe a path or sequence to explain the chronology of events.

5.  Analyze:  To think about the different parts of a problem or situation to figure out the traits of the whole (looking at two dimensional perspectives to decide a type of three dimensional object.

6. Infer:  To extract information beyond what is directly stated (extracting data from a graph).

7. Describe:  To represent a thought of an idea, such as noting changes taking place over time.

8.  Evaluate:  To determine the value of something for a given purpose based on certain standards or cirteria, explaining the pros, cons, and results of a decision.

9.  Explain:  To make clear or give reason for something , explaing factors that cause a certain kind of reaction.

10.  Summarize: To condense information, stating the main parts of an argument.

11. Formulate: To express a thought or an idea based on the review of information, coming up with a category to organize what seems to be objects or events that are not alike.

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Hilliard (Homepage) on April 24, 2009 at 5:24 AM
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